How the Ministry Is Made

Unitarian Universalist churches are run by the people that make up those communities and utilizes the democratic process for major decisions.  We have no bishops or popes directing the work of our churches.  Therefore, it is important that all members and friends have easy access to information to stay informed on the work of the board and minister. In addition, our congregation along with the other more than 1100 other congregations in the United States and across the world make the decisions about our denomination. This page provides information on leadership decisions and work within our congregation, region, and the world.

At First Unitarian Church of Alton

Here you will find information on church structure, bylaws, policies,  and procedures.  You will also find Board reports and minutes from their meetings and from our congregational meetings.  You can find printed versions of all of these documents by the church mailboxes near the Nursery on the top floor of our building.

Church Structure


Policies and Procedures

Guidelines and Information

Board Meeting Reports and Minutes- in process

Congregational Meeting Reports and Minutes– in process

Nationally and Internationally

UUA Website

General Assembly Website

UUSC– Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

UU-UNO– Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office

Standing on the Side of Love

Feel free to reach out with any questions or for more information. We look forward to welcoming you to our community and sharing in the spirit of Unitarian Universalism.